
For every musician, writing songs is an extension of the personality. Other creative people like Neil Gaiman and Tina Fey have reported feeling the same way, regardless of the amount of work they've put into the world. When you're in a clean space, you can feel it. That feeling can translate into a calm and focused state of mind while writing.

If you're feeling stuck, try to remember an amazing moment in your life — time spent with your children, a vacation you went on, your wedding day — and write about that. And as you'll know, that's all you'll finish with if you don't know what to do after the feeling of inspiration disappears.

The best source for new inspiration is naturally life itself but that is easier said than done :) Things that happen to you or around you can really be little gems sometimes. It might seem like a small difference, but if you've had trouble writing while listening to music before, give this one a try.

To get started, think about the reason you wanted to create a playlist in the first place, and then expand on that feeling. The pressure relaxing of wanting to create a new track can sometimes stunt creativity. The lyrics and the melody remind me of a moment I've experienced, a memory I haven't recalled for ages, and I'll feel everything that I felt back then.

It is that feeling a goodness that I like to bring to my laptop to create some new hot beats. It's very strange, but simply holding a single bass note, on a pad, bass, or drone sound…will automatically make you come up with ideas. And during all that silent time all those deep memories and feelings will have a clear path to the top of your mind.

Personally speaking, The World's Greatest is one of the best feel-good songs. But when it comes to the art of songwriting, there is nothing wrong with looking up to your music idols for some inspirational help. Listening inspirational music will help you with resting and relaxing your brain.

Create immersive full-sphere surround sound mixes for virtual reality productions—from start to finish. Every creative person is subject to the whims of a fickle muse that doesn't always show up when we need it to. Fortunately, there are ways to make our minds a more hospitable place for ideas.

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